Part 1 covers Technical Reports and/or Special Brochures related to Technical Assistance and consulting work (work experience period 2007-2014)
Part 2 covers miscellaneous reports and project documents related to my international capacity building experience, mostly for higher education and research in developing countries (years 2002-2007).
Part 3 covers mostly peer-reviewed scientific research publications of the period 1992-2005, in particular relating to Quaternary environmental and climate change in the Indonesian region.
This a Book with research papers of the ISIR programme (Interdisciplinary Research on Irian Jaya’s Bird’s Head peninsula)
Special Issue Journal Palaeo3, Volume 171, Issues 3-4, July 2001 “Quaternary Environmental Change in the Indonesian Region”,
Guest Editors: Rien A.C. Dam and Sander van der Kaars; Including:
Late Quaternary palaeoecology, palynology and palaeolimnology of a tropical lowland swamp: Rawa Danau, West-Java, Indonesia.;Rawa Danau article
Palaeoenvironmental developments in the Lake Tondano area (N. Sulawesi, Indonesia) since 33,000 years B.P. Lake Tondano article
Late Quaternary tropical lowland environments on Halmahera, Indonesia.Halmahera article